Amber and Josh are such a cute couple. We've been planning there e-session for a while, but the weather has been so gloomy. Not only was it gray out, it was FREEZING! But they were champs through it all. As you can see, they like goofing around. My kind of people. :>
Nice pictures the location was great. and the way you posed them very romantic.I like the sky in the back ground of the one on the bottom.
A site full of beautiful Photos. I hope to have a shoot of Kate & Me sometime soon.
Thank you for sharing.
What an awesome couple. You both look so happy. I'm proud of you Josh.
Uncle Jack
What a perfect combination of photos expressing your love, friendship and joy. My heart is overflowing for you both!!!
Love you,
Aunti Moni
Josh, the first picture says it all!! You've got your angel on your back who's put the smile back on your face and in your HEART!!
Very nice job! Where was this photographed at?
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