Monday, February 11, 2008

Life and Death...

It's kinda crazy how life is.... and one point you are nothing more than a speck, made up of 2 cells, at the next you are a zillion cells. At one point you were one day old and before you know it you are one day away from death. For some, they don't know their moment is in the near future...while others know that they only have a few more breaths.... it's funny how life is.

Here is my niece... just one week old. Her body so delicate, so new, so innocent.

Then, there is my grandpa who is 86 years old. So delicate, so thin , so experienced. My grandfather was in the U.S. Navy during World War Two... just a young kid out of Miami, Arizona. The town so small, very few people know it exists. Last night I asked him what he did after the Navy and he told me he " went to the University of Arizona and after that I started chasing women." We talked politics.... it's hard to understand him sometimes because of his speech, but he is still sharp as a pencil. Probably from years of reading the dictionary. It is easy however to understand his jokes.. he's not going go to heaven without it! :)

Here are some pictures my momma took at my grandpa's apartment.

Frankie "Fleet Foot" Romero
"Fleet Foot" - he says it's his indian name, because when he was in school he used to run track. He says he was the fastest kid in town. :>

He was an entrepreneur-a tax man.

Death is certain for all of us,yes. But the cause of my grandfathers death is a perfect example of how pollution affects us. My grandfather never drank or smoked. He lived a pretty healthy lifestyle. He is dying of stomach cancer. My mother found out that the government is giving people that lived in Miami, AZ during certain years and had this kind of cancer was going to receive a settlement. Why? Because hundreds of miles away from this tiny town, the government was testing nuclear bombs. Thus, causing over 5 different kinds of cancer. My grandfather's story is really upsetting to me, that now here in California there is always a Chem-trail in the sky. It just scares me. Do we really need "weather modification" that bad? What are the side effects? (Ok, that is a totally different subject...but I had to get that out.)

Anyway, I just always think about how fast life really is... and try to hug a little tighter, say I love you more, appreciate what I have and strive for what I want.

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